Klem, D., Jr. Conservation issues: Sheet glass as a principal human-associated avian mortality factor, Chapter 20. In S. K. Majumdar, T. L. Master, R. M. Ross, R. Mulvihill, M. Brittingham, and J. Huffman [eds.], Avian ecology and conservation: A Pennsylvania focus with national implications. Pennsylvania Academy of Science, Easton, PA, 2010
The intent of Avian Ecology and Conservation: A Pennsylvania Focus with National Implications is to compile recent ornithological research conducted primarily by Pennsylvania ornithologists, wildlife managers and conservation biologists that has important implications for Pennsylvania’s avifauna but application far beyond its borders. There are many popular books and field identification guides on the state’s birds, a second breeding bird atlas volume will soon be published as will a volume on the conservation status of Pennsylvania birds and other vertebrates, and an excellent book on the life histories of Pennsylvania birds exists but never a volume summarizing the highlights of scientific research being conducted on birds within the state. The book is divided into sections including; (1) an introductory historical perspective of Pennsylvania’s contribution to ornithological study by Pulitzer Prize nominated author Scott Weidensaul; (2) Breeding Birds and their Habitats; (3) Migration and Wintering Ecology; (4) Conservation Issues and Challenges and; (5) Emerging Issues and their Impacts on Birds. Taken together, the chapters provide an overview of the work of a multitude of ornithologists working within the state at academic institutions, non-governmental organizations and state wildlife and conservation agencies. These institutions will obviously find the book very useful but it is also intended for anyone with a keen interest in the ecology, behavior and conservation of Pennsylvania’s birds.